Sunday, 29 July 2012

Cape Breton Regional Municipality
N 45° 58.059 W 060° 41 .055

20T E 67941 6 N 5093060
RIVER: Benacadie River
CLASS: steep cascade
SIZE: 25'
RATING: excellent (***1 /2)

TRAIL: bushwhacking
HIKING TIME: 4 hours
CONDITIONS: difficult

Geocache: GC15T4E
NS Atlas Page: 23/X1
NS topo map: 011F15 (Grand Narrows)

(photo by Robert Pierrynowski - 2008)

DIRECTIONS: from Sydney, follow HWY4 south 1 3km to the
junction with HWY21 6 (Eskasoni Road) and turn left onto this
road. Travel along the shores of the Bras D'Or Lake, through
Eskasoni First Nations, 38km to Benacadie West Road. Turn
right onto this road, travel 1 km to the intersection with Castle
Bay Road and turn right again. After 500m, continue straight
along Glen Road, for approximately 2.5km, to the intersection
with Eskasoni Road. Turn left on this dirt road, and drive
northwards a little over 1.5km, watching for a dirt road on your
right, at 46N57.649 60W42.212. Drive up this road in the
neighbourhood of 1 km, until you reach the bridge over the
Benacadie River. Park in the pull off on the right hand side of
the road.

(photo by Dan Gillis - 2012)

Trail Description: head upstream approximately 1 .5km (about
an hours hike). The woods are fairly open and there are good
trails for the first third of the way in, after which you will face
about a kilometer of bushwhacking to the falls site. This is a
very winding stream, which adds to the travel time.
Benacadie Falls roar through a chute and fall down a long,
steep cascade into a deep pool. Climbing up along the cliffs on
the right hand side of the falls you can reach the top of the


  1. I haven't been there since I was a kid. Something tells me there was three sets of falls, but that was over 40 years ago so memory can plays tricks. Maurice MacDonald Upper Rawdon Nova Scotia

  2. I was here, lost a cast iron frying pan on a fishing trip. I miss that pan.
    Richard Schaller (summers in Iona)
